Hall Of Fame
The Australian BMX Hall Of Fame is managed by the Australian BMX Museum. The Museum is the caretaker of the Hall Of Fame Exhibition currently in the planning stages with key stakeholders. The Australian BMX Museum will feature select displays of historical items from Hall Of Fame Inductees including:
- Bikes
- Clothing
- Trophies
- Multimedia - videos, images
Where required, replicas of important memorabilia will be created when originals no longer exist. An Official physical location for the Australian BMX Museum and Hall Of Fame is still under investigation. Until then, a mobile (pop-up) exhibition will feature at various times when opportunities arise.
Inductees will be added to the Hall Of Fame at an Annual Awards Night. Members of the public are able to nominate potential candidates in the categories of rider, official or industry. Nominations close each year on October 30. For more information regarding the Australian BMX Hall Of Fame, please visit the website.