
The Australian BMX Museum is dedicated to preserving and documenting items, people and events of significance in Australian BMX history. This website is an attempt to  document key people in the history of the sport including riders, administrators, manufacturers and volunteers.

As the site expands through more research, Profile pages will be created to shed light on those individuals who have influenced the sport over the years.  We will recognise champions of the sport, their National and International achievements, as well as retrace BMX Australia's history from it's humble beginnings through to the present day.

The Australian BMX Museum aims to recognise and identify key pieces of BMX memorabilia that could and should be on display somewhere in this country for all to see. As they are uncovered, those items will appear on this website with the stories behind them. Our plan is to one day integrate the information contained on this site, with a physical exhibition somewhere in Australia.

Finally, we thank the significant contributions by many past and present BMX figures that have assisted in the researching, gathering and collating of the material contained within this site. Whilst we have taken every precaution to ensure accuracy, and to give full credit where possible, we understand that some information may contain errors. If you find an error, please contact the site administrator. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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